One! One week of Make Music PDX! Ah-ah-ah!
Our musical adventure began with several good omens last night. First, there were 8 people signed up for the class, which is a big improvement over the last few terms. Second, all of them showed up! That’s unusual for any activity involving musicians. Of those 8, 4 are alumni so there’s a great foundation as far as knowing how the program works which will translate into a more productive group. And as a further good omen, the Cubs clinched the NL Wild Card. GO CUBS! This is the year!
We’re a pretty typical group as far as instruments go: mostly guitars with a smattering of other instruments and voices. We discussed what to do with a group of 8, whether to form two quartets or one large ensemble that can mix lineups throughout a 2-hour show. Most of us favor the second option, and I am excited about being able to mix styles & arrangements. It’s too early to know any details, but we’ve discussed all group sizes from solo to octet. One of our group is exclusively a bassist, so I expect most of those duties will fall to him and I will be trying my hand on drums and adding other touches & instruments as needed. I’m fine with that, as it allows me to explore new directions and improve my musical flexibility. Rock koto, anyone?
Watch for more details as the weeks progress, and those in the Portland area please mark your calendars for our show on Friday, December 11th. I can’t say how good it will be so far, but I can guarantee it’ll be interesting.